
Showing posts from October, 2017

Blog comments: quarter two, week two

Tanya- writing prompt week 2 Anna Katherine- How is high school different than middle school?

Talk about a piece of media (book, movie, musical, etc) that you feel has influenced your life in some way

Prompt: Talk about a piece of media (book, movie, musical, etc) that you feel has influenced your life in some way A piece of media that I feel has influenced my life is John Carpenter's 1978 horror classic Halloween . I've been wanting to write about this film for a little while now, because it has had such a profound impact on my life, and considering Halloween is right around the corner, I felt like this was the perfect time. You're probably wondering how a 70s slasher film is such a big part of my life, but stay with me, I'm getting there. I consider Halloween to be one of the best horror films ever made, for quite a few reasons. I could go on and on, but in short, it is due to it's suspenseful soundtrack, characters, and good use of tensions and slow-building scares.  The reason this film has so much meaning is because it is the first horror film I ever watched. It is probably the reason why I love horror films so much today. Anyway, I rewatch the film e...

Thoughts on Human Nature

I’m struggling to write this, because truthfully, I haven’t decided how I feel about the human race yet. I mean, a large part of me wants to say humans are naturally bad. I think that everyone believes that to a certain extent, considering a big part of pre-school is teaching kids things like morals and stuff. People wouldn’t drill morals into kids heads so much if they believed humans were naturally good people. I don’t even know, I hope this is making sense; I just really don’t know. I mean, there’s scientific proof that each human will look out for themself first in a dire situation. It’s natural human survival instincts. With all this said, I do think humans are naturally accepting. I think things like racism and misogyny are taught, and that all humans are born without prejudice due to race or gender. I think I believe this due to my experiences in life. I don’t know, I’ve just had a lot of people not care about me, so I just kind of assume everyone only cares about themselv...

Blog comments: week four

Juliana- Dear 12 Year Old Martha- Dear 9 to12-Year-Olds

Blog comments: week two

Bronwyn- Currently Reading: The Catcher in The Rye! Cason- Summer Story

Blog comments: week eight

Charlie- Theatre Review of Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812 Julia- Fall Break Free Post

Blog comments: week seven

Landry- Flash Story Evan M- Short Story

Never Forget You: A Dialogue

He walks In. Last week, He said he was Leaving. This is the last Conversation We ever Had. “This is it. This is where it ends.” I say. I wanted this to be a question, but I already know the answer. “You had to have known this was coming. You said it yourself.” He says. “I didn’t want to believe it. I knew you didn’t love me anymore, but I still loved you. So I let myself believe you did.” I say. I wish I could say I said this with tears in my eyes, but truth be told, I felt nothing. The day he told me he was leaving was the day I stopped feeling. “I can’t help how I feel. Here I feel like I’m dying. With him, I feel alive again.” he says. Oh, yeah, he's talking about his new boyfriend. I thought I could forget about him. “I’m sorry I’m not enough for you.” I say. The sad thing is I’m genuinely sorry for being the way I am. “I’m done feeling guilty. Don’t act like you didn’t have a hand in the demise of our relationship.” He says. “I’m not saying that....

Goodbye, My Love

Goodbye, My Love: An Original Poem I walk Into the Graveyard, Afraid of what I am about to See. I know seeing the Tombstone Again makes it Real. Part of me still Cannot accept that this Is not a Nightmare. But I Walk. I notice countless Rusted tombstones and the Decaying flowers that Surround them. I try not to Think About all the Lost people below these Tombstones. So I simply Walk. I walk until I Reach his Tombstone. I want to Gather the Words to say Something, But there Are not enough Words in any language to Describe how I Feel. He made this World Worth living in, and Without him, There is No point In saying Or doing Or feeling Anything. So all I say is this: I still miss you. And I’m sorry I Was not enough to Keep you Here. But you were Enough for me. I love you, and I can’t Wait to see you Again. I hope you haven’t Forgotten me. I guess this is my Goodb...

Reading response to A&P

I recently read the short story A&P  by John Updike. This short story was very well written and entertaining. I enjoyed it a lot.  A&P  is told in first person, and you hear so many of the narrator, Sammy's, thoughts, sometimes it can even be almost too much, but it works for the story. Updike clearly wanted to tell a very personal story, and he succeeds, because you really feel like you know Sammy. It has a very honest message about being realistic and not being impulsive, and I related to it a lot, because sometimes I make impulsive decisions based on unrealistic expectations. The story had great details, and was very entertaining. I was never bored while reading A&P , and thought it was quite a fun story to read. I'd highly recommend reading it for yourself, and am looking forward to reading more of Updike's work. I've heard he's an amazing writer, and that's evident based on this story, so I'm excited ti further explore his works.

Reading response to Harrison Bergeron

Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut is an extremely powerful short story about equality and what that really means. I am an advocate for equality, but this short story really made me think about what that means. I think everyone should be equal, but not in the way it is portrayed in the short story. My view of equality is everyone having equal rights and respect. In Harrison Bergeron , equality shows people being stripped of individuality, and that scares me, considering individuality is something I really advocate for. As a story though, Harrison Bergeron is very well written and thought provoking. I liked it quite a bit and am happy to have read it. I am looking into more of Vonnegut's work, and I have heard a lot about him, and he's clearly a great writer, so I'm excited to dive into the rest of his work. Overall, Harrison Bergeron  is a well-written and thought provoking story. I would highly recommend it.

100 Word Story: Love You More

At first, Our love could Conquer the World. Then Things got Complicated. He began to fall out of Love with Me. I loved Him more than Anything in the World. But I knew He did not Feel the Same. One night, I asked him if He loved Me. He told me he Did. I knew he was Lying. One week Later, He left Me. That night, I crawled into bed. I felt A lot of things, But the one thing I could not stop Thinking, Was how much I would Give To feel his hand in Mine One last Time.