Reading response to A&P

I recently read the short story A&P by John Updike. This short story was very well written and entertaining. I enjoyed it a lot. A&P is told in first person, and you hear so many of the narrator, Sammy's, thoughts, sometimes it can even be almost too much, but it works for the story. Updike clearly wanted to tell a very personal story, and he succeeds, because you really feel like you know Sammy. It has a very honest message about being realistic and not being impulsive, and I related to it a lot, because sometimes I make impulsive decisions based on unrealistic expectations. The story had great details, and was very entertaining. I was never bored while reading A&P, and thought it was quite a fun story to read. I'd highly recommend reading it for yourself, and am looking forward to reading more of Updike's work. I've heard he's an amazing writer, and that's evident based on this story, so I'm excited ti further explore his works.


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