Reading response to Harrison Bergeron

Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut is an extremely powerful short story about equality and what that really means. I am an advocate for equality, but this short story really made me think about what that means. I think everyone should be equal, but not in the way it is portrayed in the short story. My view of equality is everyone having equal rights and respect. In Harrison Bergeron, equality shows people being stripped of individuality, and that scares me, considering individuality is something I really advocate for. As a story though, Harrison Bergeron is very well written and thought provoking. I liked it quite a bit and am happy to have read it. I am looking into more of Vonnegut's work, and I have heard a lot about him, and he's clearly a great writer, so I'm excited to dive into the rest of his work. Overall, Harrison Bergeron is a well-written and thought provoking story. I would highly recommend it.


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