Never Forget You: A Dialogue

He walks
Last week,
He said he was
This is the last
We ever
“This is it. This is where it ends.” I say. I wanted this to be a question, but I already know the answer.
“You had to have known this was coming. You said it yourself.” He says.
“I didn’t want to believe it. I knew you didn’t love me anymore, but I still loved you. So I let myself believe you did.” I say. I wish I could say I said this with tears in my eyes, but truth be told, I felt nothing. The day he told me he was leaving was the day I stopped feeling.
“I can’t help how I feel. Here I feel like I’m dying. With him, I feel alive again.” he says. Oh, yeah, he's talking about his new boyfriend. I thought I could forget about him.
“I’m sorry I’m not enough for you.” I say. The sad thing is I’m genuinely sorry for being the way I am.
“I’m done feeling guilty. Don’t act like you didn’t have a hand in the demise of our relationship.” He says.
“I’m not saying that. What I am saying is that when you went through hard times, I stayed and loved you and supported you, because all I wanted was you. When I went through a hard time, you left me and found another man.” I say, almost ashamed that this is what makes me feel again.
“We’ve already been through this. We've talked and talked and talked and I'm done talking. I’m only still here to say goodbye.” He says. The hard reality stings me.
“Can't you just go?” I ask him. Him being here hurt too much.
He has a moment of hesitation, then says, “Thanks for giving me a love I’ll never forget.”
With this, he
I see him walk
With his things,
And I watch the door
Behind him.
I love
I miss when I
Would say this
Out loud and hear
Him say it


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