
Showing posts from November, 2017

Blog comments: quarter two, week six

Tanya- Free post week 6 Evan M- Free Post

Thanksgiving free post

I didn't do anything interesting over Thanksgiving break, so I'm just going review the movies I watched: Lady Bird review: Lady Bird is an independent drama written and directed by Greta Gerwig. It follows a seventeen year old girl who calls herself Lady Bird, as she struggles with finding the right college and growing up. I really loved this movie a lot. It is so well done, and very emotional. I think it speaks volumes that I saw this movie over a week ago, and I'm still thinking about it. I really cannot recommend this film enough. It is so powerful, and very relatable. If you have the time, I would highly recommend you watch it. Justice League review: Justice League is about the Justice League. I sound a lot more done in this review because I really didn't like this movie. The story was just bland, and I expected more from DC after Wonder Woman was as good as it was. I just don't have much to say about this movie. Ezra Miller and Gal Gadot are great ...

Blog comments: quarter two, week five

Evan M- Symbolism Juliana P- Q2: Week 5 Symbolism

Lord of the Flies paragraph response

I chose to respond to a paragraph on page 91 because I felt that it had a lot in it that I could talk about and it in particular had a lot to do with the overall theme of the book. This paragraph is fascinating because it really shows the true nature of Ralph and Jack. Ralph wants to keep rules and order simply because that's all they have left in regards to being civilized, but Jack doesn't care and just wants to break rules because he can. I think this really shows that Ralph values order and remaining civilized above all else, while Jack simply wants to have fun, and won't follow rules if he doesn't have to. I think this could also explain why Jack and Ralph clash so much; it seems that their core values are polar opposite. This paragraph also demonstrates how far away from being civilized the boys are. When the book started, the boys were all very calm and organized, but now they just yell at each other and do what they want, no matter what anyone else says. This...

Grieving You (symbolism short story)

The news Broke Me. I put down the Phone, Walked into our Bedroom, And got into Bed. And I lied There. I lied there Thinking About what you would Say To make Everything Right. You’d wrap me in Your arms And whisper how much you Loved me. How as long as you were there, You’d never let Anything Happen to me. How everything was going to Be okay. I felt Safest In your Arms, You know. At night, When you held Me as I fell Asleep, I just wished we could Stay there Forever, As you Held Me until the End of Time. Reality suddenly Sets in, And I realize You are no Longer here to Hold me as I cry. You left me when I needed you Most. I’m sorry, love. I know it’s My fault. I knew you were Suffering, But I couldn’t be Bothered to reassure You. I am so sorry. Please forgive Me. Please come back to Me. Come back, And hold Me, And tell me everything will Be okay...

Blog comments: quarter two, week four

Emma P- Free Post Muskaan- Lord of the Flies

School update

This post may not be that interesting, but I just kind of wanted to talk about how I've felt about school lately. Rest assured to anyone who cares, I'm actually doing pretty well. Last quarter, I really tried to instill  in myself good study habits, and it paid off. My grades were very strong last quarter, and I am extremely pleased with how I did. I really like my classes this year, so I'm happy to do well in them. On top of that, I've also made sure to keep on my homework while being involved with other things. I am very critical  of myself, and am constantly making sure that I am doing the best I can. Sometimes I definitely fall short, but I do think I have done a good job of getting things in and performing well. Yeah, that's really it, I just wanted to give a brief school update. I am slowly, but surely, achieving the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year.

Lord of the Flies response

I am really enjoying reading Lord of the Flies . It is a really intriguing read, and I find the characters and their decisions fascinating. One thing I find really interesting to read about is the slow deterioration of these characters' sanities, and how the island and their decision making is affecting them. To be honest, I feel like the characters are pretty much going insane. They are becoming more irrational and more aggressive towards each other. A lot of them have even started seeing things and having full-blown hallucinations. I find the group dynamics interesting, and how everyone is pretty divided quite intriguing to read about, but I really am fearing for the characters. After reading chapter eight, I am not sure what is going to happen next. I definitely think everything is going downhill rapidly. I feel like this chapter might really be the beginning of the end. The groups don't trust each other, the characters are losing their minds, and the tiny bit of organizat...