School update

This post may not be that interesting, but I just kind of wanted to talk about how I've felt about school lately. Rest assured to anyone who cares, I'm actually doing pretty well. Last quarter, I really tried to instill in myself good study habits, and it paid off. My grades were very strong last quarter, and I am extremely pleased with how I did. I really like my classes this year, so I'm happy to do well in them.

On top of that, I've also made sure to keep on my homework while being involved with other things. I am very critical of myself, and am constantly making sure that I am doing the best I can. Sometimes I definitely fall short, but I do think I have done a good job of getting things in and performing well. Yeah, that's really it, I just wanted to give a brief school update. I am slowly, but surely, achieving the goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year.


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