Lord of the Flies paragraph response

I chose to respond to a paragraph on page 91 because I felt that it had a lot in it that I could talk about and it in particular had a lot to do with the overall theme of the book. This paragraph is fascinating because it really shows the true nature of Ralph and Jack. Ralph wants to keep rules and order simply because that's all they have left in regards to being civilized, but Jack doesn't care and just wants to break rules because he can. I think this really shows that Ralph values order and remaining civilized above all else, while Jack simply wants to have fun, and won't follow rules if he doesn't have to. I think this could also explain why Jack and Ralph clash so much; it seems that their core values are polar opposite.

This paragraph also demonstrates how far away from being civilized the boys are. When the book started, the boys were all very calm and organized, but now they just yell at each other and do what they want, no matter what anyone else says. This paragraph shows precisely the reason why things on the island got as bad as they did; all everyone did was yell at each other and do what they individually thought was right by the end of it. I feel like things would have gone differently if the boys could have agreed more and would have kept rules and civilization in place. Golding is clearly a very talented writer, because you can see the slow decline of the boys' sanity and civilization, and I really feel like a lot of that starts here.


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