Lord of the Flies response

I am really enjoying reading Lord of the Flies. It is a really intriguing read, and I find the characters and their decisions fascinating. One thing I find really interesting to read about is the slow deterioration of these characters' sanities, and how the island and their decision making is affecting them. To be honest, I feel like the characters are pretty much going insane. They are becoming more irrational and more aggressive towards each other. A lot of them have even started seeing things and having full-blown hallucinations. I find the group dynamics interesting, and how everyone is pretty divided quite intriguing to read about, but I really am fearing for the characters.

After reading chapter eight, I am not sure what is going to happen next. I definitely think everything is going downhill rapidly. I feel like this chapter might really be the beginning of the end. The groups don't trust each other, the characters are losing their minds, and the tiny bit of organization they had is even starting to fade away. Overall, I feel as though the next few chapters will show the demise of the characters and their society. I'm not sure how this will happen though, so I guess I have to read to find out.


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