Hits and Misses

I felt like my one-hundred word story was a definite hit. I really enjoyed writing it and spent a lot of time on it. I am really proud of that piece and still think it's some of my best writing to date. I also felt my research project paper was very strong. I really spent a lot of time editing and revising that paper, and I felt I learned a lot about using sources to support my points. A lot of my poems that I wrote this year were very good. I really spent a lot of time this year revising my style and developing my poetry.

I felt my personal narrative was a bit of a miss. It was fine, but I could have definitely revised it more and made it stronger. A lot of my reading responses were misses, just because I struggled to find a purpose and direction while writing those. Some of my free-posts were misses as well, because I didn't really know what to write about and ended up just finding a random topic and going with it. I feel like those posts could have been better if I found a greater sense of purpose and direction while writing them, and I plan to work on those skills for the future.


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