Strengths and Challenges

One of my strengths as a writer is definitely tone and genre. I feel like I have really developed my own style, and my writing definitely has its own unique voice. This year, I have worked specifically on my writing style, and making my writing sound fresh and unique by avoiding cliches. Additionally, through the world history research paper, I was able to develop my use of citing sources to support claims. The literary analysis helped me with that as well.

Some of my weaknesses are purpose and the writing process. I could definitely make more meaningful revisions and spend more time revising my writing. Additionally, I need to find purpose in everything I write and not just write things because they are assigned. Even if I don't really want to write about the topic, I need to make it come across as interesting for the reader.


  1. I need to work on making my writing more fresh and not including many cliches. Thoroughly written post !


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