Gun Control
For my post, I read an article published in The New York Times titled After Gun Control Marches, ‘It’ll Go Away’ vs. ‘We Are Not Cynical Yet’ by Matt Flegenheimer and Jess Bidgood . The article discusses the current movement for gun control, and why this time feels different than previous movement. The authors interviewed a teen that is fighting for gun control, and the authors discussed how they feel this movement is different because most of its strongest advocates are teens, and they are the next generation and the people that will soon be in-charge of the country. I found this article very poignant and well-written, and I completely agree with most of the points made. Gun violence is out of control in America. At this point, something really needs to be done. In the wake of the Parkland shooting, teens are banding together to try to achieve stronger gun-control in the US. I stand with them, and advocate for this to the best of my ability. Last year, more than 14,000 people...
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