Reading response to The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

So far, I am really enjoying this book. I love its sense of raw and unfiltered narration. It is narrated from the perspective of a fourteen year old boy, and most of his thoughts seem very real and natural. The books is very easy to read because it is very funny and entertaining. The language is simple, but this is not a bad thing, because it actually makes the book seem even more like the narration is someone's real thoughts. There are cartoon drawings on many pages, which are very funny and add a lot to the book's style and uniqueness.

The book additionally deals with themes of bullying, and though some of the depictions are very saddening, they are fairly realistic and do show what can happen in extreme cases of bullying. The book takes time to address this issue, and handles it with care. I love how this book handles an issue that not all books do, but not only that, but it handles it quite well. Beyond that, I just love this book's sense of realism. It is remarkably realistic, while still being an entertaining story. It is a story about real life, and those are my favorite types of stories.


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