Research Update

My research has been going really well so far. I have honestly enjoyed this research project quite a bit. It has been rather easy for me to gather sources and summarize them. It was difficult the first few times, but I eventually got the hang out it. At this point, I have a strong topic and research question, and a strong idea of the direction I want my paper to go. I am confident that my paper will be very good, because my organization is really strong, and I think I have a lot of good ideas and directions I can take the paper. 

I have struggled a little bit with knowing what really needs to go in the paper. Additionally, I have struggled with condensing information and getting it in my own words while keeping it formal and professional. I want to make sure that my paper is not too long and that it conveys everything it needs to without dragging. I am working to ensure that my paper moves along and is interesting. Overall, I am excited to continue working on my paper and think it is coming along very well so far.


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