Reading response #3

This Is Where It Ends by Marieke Nijkamp: Update #1

Last time I wrote a reading response, I talked about a book called This Is Where It Ends by Marieke Nijkamp and I was enjoying it quite a bit. If you are interested in what the book is about, please refer to the entry "Reading response #2". Essentially, my thoughts have not changed. This book is thought provoking and a quite powerful read. As I am nearing the end of the book, the intensity is heating up, and I find it even harder to put it down than I previously did. One of my favorite parts of the book is the writing. Marieke Nijkamp's writing flows very well and is very easy to read, but is still complex and quite emotional. She really makes you feel.

Another element of the book I love is, like I said previously, the characters. As I near the end, the characters have been through a lot, and I feel like I've been through it along with them. The characters have really changed and developed by the experience they have just gone through, and Marieke Nijkamp is very good and making that evident by her writing and characterization. I have really liked the characters, and I get close to the end, I know I will miss them. Overall, as I am nearing the end, I would highly recommend This Is Where It Ends by Marieke Nijkamp.


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