Personal Narrative

Personal Narrative

My personal narrative is going surprisingly well. I thought I would run into a lot more problems than I have been. It was difficult to find a topic to write about, but once I did, I really got into it. I just wrote down what I was thinking, and then edited out what I deemed unnecessary afterwards. I really enjoy writing this, because it’s so interesting to go back to a point in my life and really get back into what I was feeling at the time.

As for problems, I did struggle a little bit with making the scene really come alive. I also struggled with putting what I wanted to say into words that fit the paper. On top of that, I had some struggles editing out what I deemed unnecessary, because there were definitely times where I repeated myself. Even with all that said, this has still been going really well. I’m so excited to start revisions and see what the final product looks like.


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