On 9/11: What Hate Will Do

When God Happens by Mike Rosen

For my post, I watched poet Mike Rosen perform his original slam-poem When God Happens, which is about 9/11, and his experience. First off, this poem is stunning in every sense of the word. It is beautifully written, and Mike Rosen's emotional performance just makes you feel the impact of the event and what the hard reality is ten times harder. I have included a link to his performance, and I would highly recommend watching it. His poem hit me hard, and by the end, I was moved to tears. So, at this point, you might be asking yourself, what is it about this poem that had me so emotional? Well, this poem's message was simple, but important: hate gets us nowhere.

In his poem, Mike talks about how he was young when 9/11 happened. Mike's father didn't work near the towers, but Mike didn't know that at the time and he was so worried that his father would never come home. After 9/11, the United States invaded Iraq. We started a war. And just like Mike said, all that did was add to the list of children that are worried that their parents may never come home. Mike talks about how religion divided us. Mike talks about how we let hate divide us. Why do we let hate take over? As a society, when a tragedy happens, we blame each other. We look for large groups of people that we can blame because we don't want to accept that not everything is as black and white as it may seem. We can't keep spreading hate the way we do. The only people to blame for 9/11 are the terrorists. Those are the only people we should be angry at.  Beyond that, it is not no one's fault. No one else did anything wrong, and they deserve as much love and support as you, the person reading this, does. At the end of the day, we are all equals. We all deserve love and support, and when a tragedy happens, we need to spread love. No matter our differences, we are all people. We can't keep hating each other like this. All hate does is drive us apart, and when something like 9/11 happens, we need to come together. I believe there's good in the world. I'd just like to see more of it. So, I will end this long-winded post with my own simple message. Spread Love. Because at the end of the day, love wins. No matter what.


  1. This was really well written! You addressed an escalating problem in today's society that hopefully more people will become aware of. I really like your simple message to close the post.


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