An Introduction To Me

A Basic Introduction

Hi, ny name is Thomas. This post is going to be an introduction to me, but there's really not much about me to introduce. I love writing, theatre, and film. I am incredibly passionate about a lot of topics, and I love debate. On this blog, I'm hoping to be able to share my opinions on all different types of things. This year in this class, I am hoping to become a stronger writer and to become better at reading comprehensions and discussing books. My goal is to simply do well in this class and do my best on every assignment. I am worried about whether or not I can do this, but I know I can if I really try. So, that's me.


  1. I cannot wait to read your opinions and discuss them with you. What other topics are you passionate about that you are going to post on your blog?

  2. There are a few grammatical errors in your blog. I can't wait to see what you will post about next.


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