
Strengths and Challenges

One of my strengths as a writer is definitely tone and genre. I feel like I have really developed my own style, and my writing definitely has its own unique voice. This year, I have worked specifically on my writing style, and making my writing sound fresh and unique by avoiding cliches. Additionally, through the world history research paper, I was able to develop my use of citing sources to support claims. The literary analysis helped me with that as well. Some of my weaknesses are purpose and the writing process. I could definitely make more meaningful revisions and spend more time revising my writing. Additionally, I need to find purpose in everything I write and not just write things because they are assigned. Even if I don't really want to write about the topic, I need to make it come across as interesting for the reader.

Hits and Misses

I felt like my one-hundred word story was a definite hit. I really enjoyed writing it and spent a lot of time on it. I am really proud of that piece and still think it's some of my best writing to date. I also felt my research project paper was very strong. I really spent a lot of time editing and revising that paper, and I felt I learned a lot about using sources to support my points. A lot of my poems that I wrote this year were very good. I really spent a lot of time this year revising my style and developing my poetry. I felt my personal narrative was a bit of a miss. It was fine, but I could have definitely revised it more and made it stronger. A lot of my reading responses were misses, just because I struggled to find a purpose and direction while writing those. Some of my free-posts were misses as well, because I didn't really know what to write about and ended up just finding a random topic and going with it. I feel like those posts could have been better if I fou...

Blog comments, Q4 W5

Logan- What were the best movies you saw in the past year? Grace M- Prompt #460: What are you looking forward to this summer?

.How closely do you listen to lyrics?

Maybe too closely! I don't know, I love to analyze the lyrics of a song I like. A lot of songs are really catchy and upbeat, to the point where you kind of forget it has a meaning. I love to look deep into what an artist in trying to say with their piece. A lot of what I listen to is indie and alternative, and those genres are known for their deep lyrics. Most of the songs I like have a much deeper meaning than many people realize, and I love to look into that meaning. Songs, to me, are a form of poetry. They give someone a chance to write and speak their mind, the way poetry does. So many artists express their feelings and lives through their music. A lot of the songs I like, I later find out that what the artist is singing about is very personal to them. So, in conclusion, I would say I do listen very closely to lyrics, because in my opinion, the lyrics are just as important as the music.

Purple Hibiscus Response #2

Last time I responded to Purple Hibiscus , I spoke about really enjoying the book, and I still am! I really love this book. Kambili is such a strong protagonist, and I am really enjoying following her journey. She is going through increasingly hard experiences, and though it's clear these things hurt her, she always gets through it. The book is very realistic in the sense that it does not pull the cliche "I'm so glad this horrible thing happened because I'm back stronger", but more of a "yes, this happened, and it was awful, but I'm still here, and I'm okay.". I relate and connect much more to the latter statement, and I feel it is much more realistic.  The book is heart-breaking at times, and is incredibly difficult to read, but that's good! Let me explain: Adichie refuses to shy away from the hard parts of life. She writes from her heart, and she writes about what speaks to her, and sometimes that is the parts of life people would rather...

Blog comments, Q4 W4

Anna Katherine- Political Post Landry- Political Post