Last time I responded to Purple Hibiscus , I spoke about really enjoying the book, and I still am! I really love this book. Kambili is such a strong protagonist, and I am really enjoying following her journey. She is going through increasingly hard experiences, and though it's clear these things hurt her, she always gets through it. The book is very realistic in the sense that it does not pull the cliche "I'm so glad this horrible thing happened because I'm back stronger", but more of a "yes, this happened, and it was awful, but I'm still here, and I'm okay.". I relate and connect much more to the latter statement, and I feel it is much more realistic. The book is heart-breaking at times, and is incredibly difficult to read, but that's good! Let me explain: Adichie refuses to shy away from the hard parts of life. She writes from her heart, and she writes about what speaks to her, and sometimes that is the parts of life people would rather...